Immersive video & audio

  • Best possible stereoscopic video

  • 180° x 360° VR180 to be viewed in Virtual Reality glasses like Oculus™
  • 360° x 180° for display using active shutter glasses using bluetooth
  • old-fashioned anaglyph ("cyan & blue")
  • Genlock and/or Timecode synced
  • Most realistic calibrated colors
  • We have the best possible camera available:
  • large fullframe sensor, 8K (per eye!), up to 120 fps
  • Dual lens / single sensor - synchron at lightspeed, literally
  • Our own custom modified lens adaptors
  • Best possible Ambisonics™ audio

  • 32-Bit Float Audio (stereo)
  • Ambisonics 1st order audio (360° x 360° using 4 capsules, Røde)
  • Ambisonics 2nd order audio (360° x 360° using 8 capsules)
VR180 camera

Watch our VR showreel.

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